Timothy England - Director at Large


Tim, Timo, Timothy England was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. He followed his own star which brought him to Springfield in search of education. At Missouri State University he earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Philosophy, in which he focused his curriculum on social philosophy and sustainability. Upon graduation he embarked to apply the theoretical ideas to the polis he has called home for ten years - working hand in hand with community members to form the Compost Collective and its mission. He currently serves as Board President of the Compost Collective, managing the project and ensuring that the actions match the goals and ideals.

Tim is an avid cyclist and cycling advocate who is always looking for ways to get more people utilizing the greatest human transportation mode ever devised; plus it’s great fun! And what a segue, because Timo loves to travel; so far he has visited 39 of these 50 united states. He finds that traveling is a great way to find motivation and gain exposure to new ideas or different ways of life. As a student of Philosophy, Timothy ponders many questions beneath the surface; feel free to strike up a conversation next time you see him!